Being Grateful for Medicine

It is a time of year when we automatically think about all the things we are grateful for -- after all, Thanksgiving is the holiday of thanks! It is easy to be thankful for loved onse, your home, your job and the other things in your life that give you pleasure and keep your safe. It is a little harder to be grateful for the things that are in your life for a reason that perhaps you don't like or appreciate.

One example that comes to mind is prescription (and over-the-counter) medications. I don't know too many people that like taking medications. Most people I associate with use medication begrudgingly and often not in the way that would benefit them the most. But for many of us, medication really, really helps us.

And so I'd like to suggest that we take time right now to be grateful for our necessary medication. Thank it each time you take the medication. If you notice relief in your symptoms, say thank you then. Even if you get side effects, be thankful because you know that they are a result of something that is actually helping you.

What else are you thankful for, even if there is a "rub"? A crabby neighbor that occasionally shovels your sidewalk too? A co-worker that is nosy but brings in delicious banana bread? Think about it, and then be grateful.

10/04/2009 Gratitude

Fall is a hard time of year for me to appreciate. I have always seen it as a time of death and dying with the plants and trees bearing witness to that. Even though many don't actually die, they look like they are dying - which makes me realize that it will be months before I see the color and beauty of this form of nature.

Fall is also hard for me because I do not appreciate cold and snow. This time of year is a tease. I am teased with warm, lovely days and the beauty of changing leaves. And then teased with bouts of cold and even snow. My body craves heat! I never complain in the summer because I love the heat. When it is cold and damp, my body physically aches and my mood sinks.

I try to appreciate all of Mother Nature's offerings, but fall and winter are my tests of patience and acceptance.

7/14/2009 Gratitude

I haven't been posting a lot lately but that doesn't mean I am not grateful. I had a fun time with friends at a birthday party thrown in my honor on Saturday. Even got a few great gifts (but I wish they hadn't done that.) Saw Gran Torino for $2 at a cinema opening on Sunday. The movie was great. The weather is clearing up a little bit with fewer storms so I am happy about that. Someone bought me an ice cream yesterday -- yum. See, I have a lot to be grateful for!

7/10/2009 Gratitude

I had a fun lunch today with friends. The food wasn't awesome but it didn't matter because we laughed and talked more than we ate! It was one of my first "real" girlfriend lunches. Most of the time it is just me and one other person. It is amazing how the dynamics change when there are more than two people. It was fun!

7/8/2009 Gratitude

I am so grateful for the wonderful time we had at the pool yesterday. We spent almost 5 hours there! It was relaxing and fun. And the heat and sun makes my body feel so good. I also had a great time after getting home (even though I was tired) by just relaxing and enjoying the company of my husband in our home.

7/6/2009 Gratitude

I am grateful for finding the perfect dress for a wedding. I don't like shopping but a friend made it almost painless yesterday! I found shoes, a purse and wrap to go with the dress too -- all cheap or on sale!

7/3/2009 Gratitude

Even though I got almost no sleep last night, I am grateful that I feel okay today. This hot weather really does do my body good! I am also glad it is Friday and tomorrow is a holiday. I love fireworks and hope to catch a show tonight and tomorrow night. Happy Birthday America!