3/31/09 Gratitude

Today I am grateful that we FINALLY located the source of the beeping within our house. It was driving me nuts and causing great anxiety as we were getting woken up in the middle of night. I am also grateful that we can get this fixed for FREE! Thank you Universe for hearing my plea for help and responding.

3/30/09 Gratitude

I am grateful today for my astrologer offering me a half-price reading and for my financial advisor giving me over an hour of her time to re-balance my suffering portfolio -- once again. Thanks!

3/29/09 Gratitude

Even though I am not feeling well today, I am grateful for the ability to take care of myself with a hot bath, tea, a good book and a snuggly bed with loving cats.

3/28/09 Gratitude

Today I am grateful for the new moon astrology class I am attending as well as the basketball game that we are going to tonight. It will be a fun day filled with friends and entertainment -- and hopefully a few astrological learnings that will get me through the next month!

3/27/09 Gratitude

After a lovely snow day yesterday, I am so grateful for the sun to be out again today. The sun makes me feel so much better. I love the feel of the sun beating down on my skin, warming me from the outside in. And the sun warms me from the inside out by cheering me up. I am grateful for the sun!

A Psychic Reading

I had a psychic reading last night. It always amazes me how on-track these things are. The reader told me things about myself that he would have no way of knowing other than psychic ability. Perhaps the most accurate was his summary that I have lots of ideas that I am working on (and all of them good and relevant) but that I will get no where because there is no plan tobring them all together so it seems chaotic. I am not sure what to do with this information because he offered no solutions -- I guess that's up to me. But the other remarkable tidbit was his assessment that the way to my truth was through my voice -- writing, journaling, talking, art, etc. Hmm, maybe this blog was a better idea than I realized!

3/26/09 Gratitude

I am grateful for the snow we are receiving today. We need the moisture after a long, dry winter.

3/23/09 Gratitude

I am grateful that I didn't have to go anywhere or do anything today.

3/22/09 Gratitude

Today I am grateful for the Sunday paper and a warm sunny day in which to enjoy it.

3/20/09 Gratitude

Today I am grateful for the 2 1/2 hour massage I received for the price of an hour. Thank you Jeanelle! Happy Spring!

3/19/09 Gratitude

Today I am grateful for the long walk with my husband in the park on this sunny, warm spring day.

3/18/09 Gratitude

Today I am grateful for the ability to create this blog, free of charge.

Just starting out

My mom taught me that just because everyone is doing it, doesn't mean I have to. Hmm, I guess once again I am ignoring her advice because I have started this blog, jumping on the social networking bandwagon.

I wanted to start blogging because I am a thinker. I think too much for my own good. And while I like to journal, blogging seems like a more disciplined approach to documenting what's going on in my active mind.

I'd like to use this forum to express my gratitudes, talk about spirituality and ruminate about life in this ever evolving and changing world. I am not an overtly social person so perhaps this blog will help me reach out to others, learning, sharing and expressing.

Let me know what you think, what you are grateful for and how you are dealing with life -- both spiritually and in "reality."